How To Create An Irresistible Midlife

You’ve decided that you want more out of life. You have gotten the wake up call that life is short and you better start making the most of it because NO ONE is guaranteed tomorrow. Not even you.

You have given yourself permission to start crafting a life you love, without apology.

You’ve put your big girl panties on to keep you brave and now you’re ready.

But where do you begin?

Once you realize things are feeling stagnant and a change needs to be made you wonder, how do I start?

No matter what or how things need to change, the important thing is that you are giving yourself permission to live the best fucking life possible. To make the most of every day because you know you are worthy of all the goodness this life has to offer.

However, that being said, no one is going to hand it to you. You need to go get it. You need to actively decide you want to start living an audaciously amazing midlife and then take the steps to get there.

Here are ways to start living your irresistible midlife.

First, you need to listen to your inner voice. Get quiet and tune into what she is telling you. Tap into your true self (your desires, your dreams, your wants) and let her speak. This is your direct communication line to your soul.

If you need help listening to your inner voice, read this.

Really listen to what she is saying. What are your desires? What would make your life better; more fulfilling. How can you put your dreams and passions into action?

If you’re having a hard time remembering what your dreams are, read this.

Your inner voice will tell you where you need to head.

  • Do you need to live more intentionally?

  • Do you need to spend more effort nurturing relationships?

  • Do you need more balance in your life?

  • Do you need to take more risks?

  • Do you need to have more fun?

  • Do you need all of the above?

Once you figure out where change needs to occur, make a list of things you want to do. Write down what you want to have happen.

Make a list. A list of plans, dreams, and desires you have for your life.

Prioritize, what are the top three?

Maybe they are:

  • Clear the clutter and live a more simplified life.

  • Go on a yoga retreat.

  • Save up to travel to Australia.

Look at your goals and write down everything you need to do to make each happen. Make a decision to do the first step for each. Then after you complete the first step, do the second, and so on.

Change is hard.

You need to be extremely clear on what you want your future to look like.

And most times you need someone in your corner to hold you accountable.

It’s not going happen just because you write it down. You have to take action. The only person that can make your life fanfuckingtastic is you.

You have to decide, every day, that you’d rather push yourself outside your comfort zone and chase those dreams you listed above, than live a safe, ho-hum life.

Here are a few things to remember as you are creating your new turned up/turned on midlife.

  1. Make sure your inner cheerleader is more powerful than your inner critic. Your inner critic will try to discourage you and keep you from doing anything new. Do. Not. Listen.

  2. Likewise, stay away from other people who try to discourage you. If the people you tell, have negative things to say about the changes you want to make, it actually has nothing to do with you. Change makes people freak out. When they hear you are making your life better, it forces them to look at themselves. That’s not easy for everyone. Then they have to look at things in their life that need to change, and not everyone is ready to do that. It makes them confront things they may not want to deal with. So, when people laugh at your dreams or tell you all the reasons they won’t work . . . remember, their issues are getting in the way of them supporting you.

  3. Look at all the brave things you’ve done over your life. Look at how you handled change in the past. Whatever changes you are trying to make now, you can do this! Believe it!

  4. Realize change can be scary and you will feel vulnerable. This is normal when you’re doing something new. But your courage is greater than you fear. 

  5. Start small. Some people want to change everything right away once they realize they have been living a small or stagnant life. You don’t have to. Baby steps are still steps. The important thing is to realize you need to take a step. Because these steps, large or small, will take you closer to living a life that feels really fucking good.

  6. Make a conscious decision to get out of your comfort zone. A cz is comfortable, but it keeps things stagnant and nothing can grow in there, including you.

  7. Recognize that regret is worse than change or even fear.

When I was 35, I was living on auto pilot, just going through the motions of life, feeling stagnant. Then, I took a giant leap out of my comfort zone and learned to surf.

Once I said yes to this new experience and pushed the limits of what I thought I was capable of, I wanted to keep trying new things. I became confident and courageous. I realized outside of my box is where true personal growth happens and is also where all the fun is. This is where you’ll find your irresistible life.

I’m in my 50s now and this was the first of many leaps out of my comfort zone I’ve taken. And they’ve all led me to a really fucking amazing life.

If you need help getting out of your comfort zone or would like inspiration on living a life you’re in love with, get on a free call with me.

I want you living a midlife that turns you the f*ck ON!

With love and courage,


PS If you want to join a sisterhood of midlife women, all ready to live the BEST midlife, join my free facebook group, Riding The Midlife Wave! You won’t regret it!

Karen Shatafian

Karen is a personal development mentor and life and empowerment coach for women over 40. She’s been inspiring and empowering women over 40 since 2013. She is a surfer, a mom, an avid coffee drinker and lover of all rescue animals. Karen works with women in an intimate and supportive environment as she helps them gain clarity on how they want their lives to look and create new chapters after divorce, empty nest, or many of the other midlife transitions. She helps women gain the confidence to design their lives in ways that feel really f*cking good. If you’re a woman moving through midlife and you’d like to get on a free call with Karen, click this link.


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