How Midlife Women Can Get Unstuck and Find Direction As An Empty Nester

I get it.

You’ve been putting all your energy into other people’s needs for so long, you’ve found yourself without any energy left for yourself. You may feel lost and without direction.

Now that midlife and possibly the empty nest have arrived, you’re being forced to really look at yourself and your life and ask, “now what?”

If you’re like most women, your own passions, hobbies and interests took a back seat to the passions, hobbies, and needs of those around you. And because you’re an amazing caregiver, partner, friend, you didn’t even notice. You were all too happy to sacrifice for the little folks you were raising and the people you love.

Well, now those little folks have grown and are living their own lives (as they should) and you are left holding the laundry detergent saying,”but don’t you need me to do that for you.” 

All those years of putting yourself on the back burner have caught up with you and you may be seeking a sense of purpose.

Sweet Sister, you are not alone.

Your heart and mind have been so caught up with taking care of others, they have forgotten how to take care of themselves.

And it’s ok.

It’s ok to feel sad that your kids are grown and don’t need you as much anymore. 

Let yourself grieve the loss. The loss of who you have been. That woman served everyone well but now it is time for her to learn to serve herself.

It is time for you to rediscover who you were before you were anyone’s mom or wife. even before you really sunk into the roles of employee and adult daughter.

It’s time to dust off those passions and create a renewed sense of purpose.

And I’m here to help you get started.

Five Steps To Finding Direction in Midlife

Here are five steps to begin your journey back to yourself:

  1. Let go of the old you who put everyone first. When your babies were little this was important but now it is important you put yourself back on the front burner. One tool you can use to do this is journaling. List all the parts of you that served you well but that you are releasing. Honor those parts and let them go to make room for the new you.

  2. Look at how you spend your days and decide what you want to keep and what you want to release. It’s time to let go of tasks you do out of guilt or obligation. Replace things that drain your energy with things that light you up! This won’t be easy so start with something small.

  3. Look inside and reflect on what makes you happy. Meditating is very helpful when you are trying to get in touch with yourself. Spend time in quiet reflection and you will find your inner voice will get louder. She will help you discover how to find the direction you need to go.

  4. Make an on going list of all the things you’d like to do in life. Brainstorm as many things as you can think of. All the things you’d like to do before you die. 

  5. Do them. Get out there and do the things that will bring you joy!

I know this list seems simplistic, but in all honsety, it’s the truth. These 5 steps will set you on your way to getting yourself unstuck from the spot you are in and help you find new direction so you can make the 2nd half of your life the best it can possibly be.

But, you have to do the work if you want anything to change. 

As I often tell my clients, nothing changes if nothing changes.

So roll up your sleeves and begin to rediscover the woman you were divinely created to be.

With Love and Courage,


If you need help reinventing yourself in midlife, let’s get on a free call to see how I can help.

Karen Shatafian

Karen is a personal development mentor and life and empowerment coach for women over 40. She’s been inspiring and empowering women over 40 since 2013. She is a surfer, a mom, an avid coffee drinker and lover of all rescue animals. Karen works with women in an intimate and supportive environment as she helps them gain clarity on how they want their lives to look and create new chapters after divorce, empty nest, or many of the other midlife transitions. She helps women gain the confidence to design their lives in ways that feel really f*cking good. If you’re a woman moving through midlife and you’d like to get on a free call with Karen, click this link.


Filling The Midlife Void: Three Secrets To Putting Yourself On The Front Burner


Stop Waiting For Permission To Live Your Life