Stop Waiting For Permission To Live Your Life

You Don’t Have To Wait For Permission To Live Your Life

Each of us is put on this planet for a unique purpose and it has nothing to do with fitting in or following the rules.

Why then do we sometimes feel we need permission from others to live our own lives?

Why do we care so much about what others think of our choices and decisions?

We don’t need anyone else’s permission to live our lives the way we want.

Unfortunately, we as women, are conditioned to be people pleasers. We are taught to look outside of ourselves for our worthiness.

If you are to be truly happy, like deep in your soul happy, you need to feel confident in making decisions that are best for you.

Even if this means disappointing people.

You don’t need permission to follow your own dreams or listen to the whispers of your souls.

You don’t need to buy into what society tells you is important vs. what you feel in your heart.

You just don’t.

I’m not talking about disregarding the needs of the people you love.

I’m talking about the freedom as a human being to live your life according to your own design.

If you have buried your passions and put your own dreams on hold to do what you “should” do, it’s time to give yourself permission to start doing what you want to do.

If you have put the worry about what your family, friends, and society will say above what you yearn for, it’s time to give yourself permission to stop worrying.

If you are waiting for acceptance and understanding from others before you embark on your own journey, it’s time to give yourself permission to stop waiting.

You don’t need anyone’s permission but your own!

But if my saying so doesn’t hold enough weight, maybe you’ll listen to Elizabeth Gilbert.

Once you give yourself a permission slip to live life on your terms, there is no reason you can’t be all you were created to be. And live a turned up and turned on life in the process!

Here are the things I am giving myself permission for:

I give myself permission to stop giving a f*ck about everyone else’s feelings, needs, and concerns, over my own.

I give myself permission to live my life – however, feels best, without centering the opinion of others.

I give myself permission to pursue my business even though some people don’t quite understand it.

I give myself permission to travel and take adventure.

I give myself permission to set boundaries with people who are negative, suck the energy out of me, or don’t nurture my soul. Even if they are people I love.

I give myself permission to do what is best for my heart.

I give myself permission to listen to my soul and go where it leads.

I give myself permission to not fit into the boxes other people try to put me in.

I give myself permission to stop worrying about judgment from others. Even people I love.

I give myself permission to be vulnerable. But only with the people who deserve it.

I give myself permission to listen to my inner voice instead of the noise of the world. Because I know my intuition will never lead me astray.

I give myself permission to not need permission from my family, my friends, or the world. The only permission I need is from ME!

I give myself permission to live the fucking best life possible!

It’s not easy going against societal norms. It’s difficult to disappoint our family. It’s painful to disconnect from friends.

But what is more difficult, is living a life with yearnings left inside that you never fulfill.

Not only is it difficult, but it turns into regret.

When we deny the longings of our hearts and the passions and gifts we are born with, we deny our true self.  We end up depressed and stuck because we are living life according to someone else’s blueprint.

So give yourself permission sweet sister.

Permission to pick up that paintbrush.

Permission to travel the world.

Permission to live on that farm.

Permission to stay in your jammies all day.

Permission to downsize and make a trailer your home.

Permission to quit that soul-sucking corporate job.

Permission to rest and not rescue everyone around you.

Permission to love who you love.

Permission to have lots of babies.

Permission to have zero babies.

Permission to take care of your needs first.

Permission to set boundaries with people that leave you feeling yucky.

Permission to follow your wacky dreams.

Permission to live your life.

YOUR life. Because you only have this one!

Now give yourself permission to go live it.

With Love and Courage,


If you need tips on how to live life on your terms, sign up for my free monthly newsletter where you can get support as you create a life you love. 

Karen Shatafian

Karen is a personal development mentor and life and empowerment coach for women over 40. She’s been inspiring and empowering women over 40 since 2013. She is a surfer, a mom, an avid coffee drinker and lover of all rescue animals. Karen works with women in an intimate and supportive environment as she helps them gain clarity on how they want their lives to look and create new chapters after divorce, empty nest, or many of the other midlife transitions. She helps women gain the confidence to design their lives in ways that feel really f*cking good. If you’re a woman moving through midlife and you’d like to get on a free call with Karen, click this link.


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